You may be wondering why exactly there's a RAINBOW BURSTIN OUTTA MAH BRAINS!
I'll tell you why.
Because I was HIRED to do an INTERNSHIP with TWISTED FILMS!!! :D
And the reason that this is such awesome news for me, as most of you (who might read this) already know, I've been living in Finland for almost a year now (5 more days and it will be 1 year exactly!) searching high and low for jobs in my field (Animation) and after much research and getting one freelance job from Twisted Films which was already so exciting, the hope of finding an internship for a more "permanent" position was very slim, especially when talking about "permanent" (can't really use that word with work nowadays because of the economy, but the intention is to keep me working there!) animation jobs, like you know, going to an office and being given work to do on my very own computer there. The chances of that happening were so very slim... but it happened!!!
And just to give you an idea of how slim that chance was exactly; 95% of animation work in Finland is freelance work, and of those 5% of staff-hiring animation studios, ~98% of them are Finnish and require fluent Finnish for the job, and with that small percent chance already, add in the fact that I am a foreigner here with no other work experience in Finland (other than that one project I did for them) then you realize this is REALLY a once in a lifetime chance for me!! I'm so excited and feel so privileged :D And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why I am squeezing my kitty with glee while rainbows burst out of the trap door in my head :D (And those aren't chopsticks in my hair, they're meant to be the trap doors, but i guess they can be chopsticks if you really insist.)
Funnily enough, I started a drawing today for a post here, and while doing that drawing I got the call about the internship, so this is very recent news for me :D
But here is the comic I was busy drawing before the big news:
First of all, we noticed that the wooden towel rack was becoming unusually tatty. The knobs seemed to be breaking into peaces and getting quite rough and we didn't know why...
(We should have known better.)

One morning I heard strange ripping and struggling sounds in the bathroom... I go to see, and guess who is clinging to the top of the towel rack, his back paws shredding the towels, and frantically chewing on the knobs! Why on earth would that be something fun to do?! I have no clue... But now we are forced to hang our towels loosely on the knobs, which means that everytime we go to the bathroom, the towels are all over the floor... Sigh... Totoro is becoming more naughty and more cute by the minute.

Totoro you crazy kitty you!
Here's a nice photo of His Royal Mischiefness for you that Sonja took! :D
Ta for now!
P.S. My hair is black again! But I have two red bits left underneath that I am going to bleach the life out of and dye all kinds of colours, woohoo :D