Thursday, November 4, 2010

Comic 3: After 1am on Nov 5th

I skipped making a comic on the 3rd since we went to a dinner party, and so "today" (ie. the 4th) i was going to make 2 comics, but now I am tired and I have only made a comic for the 3rd of Nov and it's now already the 5th, argh, and my english is very tired and bad. Excuse that.

So, on Wednesday evening we went to our friends' "Kokki Kerho" (cooking club) which we decided to join in on. It was at Miikka and Katri's place and they made a reeeeally tastey dinner for us! A fancy salad starter, roast beef and potato wedges with bean and bacon salad for mains, and vanilla buns with hot chocolate topped up with some toffee liqueur and cream. OMNOMNOM! :D

The others who were there with us included:

Sonja Sonjuska Sonjäääää :D

Sonja and I went looking for Katri and Miikka's ferrets, and then we found "Tifa" and Sonja held her up high, and when she did, Tifa became very curious about the light fitting and tried to give it a sniff, which ended up making her look extremely straight and stiff because of the way she was moving. I'd wished I could have taken a picture, but alas, a silly drawing will have to do :D

P.S. "Fretti" is the Finnish word for ferret.

Lauri and Juppe...

We played a card game called Fluxx, which was unusual, and Lauri would have won if he was paying attention to his cards, but in the end it was Juppe who won :D

And last but not least,
Pekka and Vesku

Vesku is my husband's nickname, and Pekka is his best friend, and Sonja's fiancé.
Pekka is so shy and quiet when he's sober, but the wine started flowing when Miikka brought out his own home made brand, and once that starts, Pekka transforms into a rather outgoing and funny character, with much, much wisdom to share :D Vesku is also usually quite a quiet one, but he too began to take on rather comedic characteristics

Oh right, I was also there. And for some reason my mind brought up the oddest of topics to talk about it one awkward moment of silence; topics such as getting brain worms from eating sushi, and flesh eating bacteria from bumping a table. I then proceeded to show everyone the bruise on my leg that is shaped like the mouth of "Rilakkuma", one of Sonja's favourite Japanese characters.
It was definitely worth the good giggle I got from Sonja hehe :D
Oh, and for the record, I wasn't drunk. Sometimes I'm just a little quirky.

And... perhaps sushi-brain-worms wasn't the best topic to bring up. Next week it's our turn to host the dinner, and I'm going to be making sushi... Hahahaha.

In the end it was a mighty grand evening with my wonderful Finnish friends! Even though I did end up going to sleep in a bit of a mood...


  1. omg im laughing so much X'''''DDD ur pictures are so funny! Juppe and Pekka looks really like 'em! :D
    rilakkuma bruise :D:D:D hahahahahahaa

  2. Heheeh yay! XD I tried to get them all to look as much like the real people as I can but still keep it simple and cartoony :D
    This blogger is a bit stupid coz it doesn't tell me when I have comments! I was just lucky I saw "1 comment" on the blog page D:
