Monday, November 22, 2010

Comic 7: Vigilanteh Kitteh!

After a long time with no comics, my tablet is working again and I finally had some free time to do a new comic, but it doesn't cover all the happenings in the past week! Perhaps I'll do that on Thursday, since I will be going to see the new Harry Potter with Anu (and maybe Sonja too) tomorrow, and on Wednesday I have an appointment with the employment office.
Haha, it's a bit difficult to type with a very cute and cuddly Totoro on my lap begging me for attention and sitting up at the desk like a little person :D
Anyhoo I shall now explain these comics a bit.

This one is quite self explanatory. Totoro was fooling around with the fan (which had my Finntroll flag hanging over it to make it look better since we don't have anywhere to store the fan out of sight) while I was making a cheese bread thing for myself. Next minute I hear loud clattering.
I look over and Totoro is hanging from the fan by his front paws and the flag is wrapped around his neck like a cape, and he just stares at me for a moment, it was quite hilarious! :D

The next cartoon is explaining the little drama about the paper-wire-roses. I had a little bouquet of them wrapped around my candle for decoration, and when we moved some stuff around, Totoro suddenly took notice of them... I woke up in the morning and found the candle and the holder lying on the floor, no roses to be seen. I figured Totoro must've got a hold of them, but then I started freaking out what might happen to him if he eats paper and wire! Argh! D:
I tried to hunt them down, checked Totoro's mouth and poked his belly to see if he reacted painfully, and searched high and low for those little roses, and I didn't find a single one.
After some time, Totoro was fine and I forgot about the little roses.
About a week or so later, while tidying up a signature Totoro disaster, from which he had fled the scene, I noticed a curly red and green thing, and it was a single paper-wire-rose! I found it funny, and kept it aside. 3 times after that, each time Totoro left the scene of a mess, there he left another single twisted rose... I found it hilarious! Like that movie, V for Vendetta, where he always left a rare rose at the scene of his crime. It made me imagine Totoro as a secret Vigilante with the same trademark, heehee.

And that's all for now! I'm tired and I'm going to cuddle this kitty to bits.

(P.S. I don't feel like reading all this over, so please excuse any retarded typos :P )

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